Use this tool to think about the steps or milestones of a process or experience and how each one of these impacts your user.
Journey mapping helps us build empathy with our users by creating a visual representation of the steps that an individual takes as they move through a process or experience in order to achieve a specific goal. It can help us pinpoint areas in the journey that require improvement by thinking through a user’s emotions at each step along the way.
Blank User Journey Map Template
Completed User Journey Map Template Example
When trying to understand a user’s experience, it’s helpful to put yourself in their shoes to imagine what it would be like to live a day in their life. The ‘User Journey Map’ template helps you to consider how a user is feeling and what they might be thinking as they go through a sequence of actions.
When you are next working on something to serve a particular audience and need to step outside of your own reality to build empathy with someone else, use this template to help you build a visual representation of their experience. Then, step back, and reflect on what opportunities it reveals.