Customer and employee expectations are rapidly evolving and remaining relevant is a constant concern. While most organizations recognize the need to become more customer-centric, change-ready and agile; shifting mindsets and closing the ‘knowing-doing gap’ has proven to be difficult work, and stalled transformation initiatives.
Our mission:
Sprintbase is built by seasoned designers to help people - regardless of background or prior experience - accurately, consistently and repeatedly apply design thinking to the challenges they face; enabling more people to realize the the benefits of human-centricity, diversity of thought and visual thinking.
Bridging the “Learning to Doing” gap
While great training is essential, it is rarely sufficient for delivering the kind of sustainable, transformative impact organizations need to thrive in the face of constant change.
Sprintbase gives people a structured, guided and safe way to practice new tools and mindsets in the real world, allowing them to avoid common pitfalls, and build confidence and an intuitive grasp of what to do when to get better results in everyday work.
The importance of structure
“Having a structured process, ideally with supportive mentoring, is key to helping those learning design thinking get comfortable trying out the new ways of thinking and behaving that it requires.
Rather than dampen creativity, all of our evidence says that the right kind of tools and process inspire it.”
Jeanne LiedtkaUniversity of Virginia Darden School of Business
Cycles of Performance
The pace of technology has driven customer and employee expectations to new heights.
How do you develop a human-centered culture spanning your organization that seizes the opportunities and mitigates the risks presented by these changing expectations?
Deliberate and repeated performance.
On the journey to digital transformation, Sprintbase offers facilitators and participants a safe, focused and productive place to build their mental agility by applying design thinking to real business challenges with adaptive levels of support.
10 killer features you'll only find on Sprintbase
How is Sprintbase Different?
Sprintbase is packed with exclusive features and expert guidance materials that make it easier for facilitators everywhere to make a bigger impact.
Low-latency, easy-access, feature-rich whiteboards and templates with 'facilitator powers'
Single workspace per process stage with specific exercises, guidance and nested whiteboards
Embedded, configurable guidance for project participants